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  • Phone: 304.269.4831

Our Services

Our mission is to provide forest management solutions
that are powered by technology and guided by experience and education.

Acquisition Inventories

Many forest landowners view timberland as an investment, much like and the stock market, with less volatility. However, prior to purchasing timberlands the investor must first take a detailed look at the assets that the land supports, i.e. timber. Once a detailed forest inventory has been completed the investor is able to take a more sophisticated look at their individual investment possibilities. Landmark Forestry has completed numerous acquisition inventories for clients interested in purchasing timberland. In addition to West Virginia, these inventories include many diverse forest cover types from pine plantations in Mississippi and Alabama to the rich black cherry forests in Pennsylvania and the Appalachian hardwood forests in the coal fields of western Virginia and eastern Kentucky. The projects range in size of only a few acres to over 500,000 acres. The experience gained from diverse acquisition inventories provide Landmark Forestry with a knowledge base that makes the company very flexible when asked to inventory timberland.

Timber Appraisals

A timber appraisal is a process in which a professional forester inventories the forest resources and then establishes the market value for those resources. This type of appraisal is subject to the interpretation of, among many things, that forester’s opinion of the quality of the timber, the degree of difficulty in removing the timber, and the assessment of timber markets in the subject area. Landmark Forestry LLC foresters are experienced in assessing the parameters required to conduct timber appraisals.

Landmark Forestry LLC provides many of our clients with accurate appraisals that utilize current market prices. Landmark Forestry develops an understanding and knowledge of current market prices from the large number of timber sales handled for various clients. This allows landowners to make informed decisions that best suits their personal needs and objectives. Many landowners view their timberland as an economic investment and in order to properly evaluate the investment, an accurate forest appraisal is essential.

Timberland Management

Landmark Forestry LLC provides technologically advanced land management services for clients in the northeast hardwood region. Our professional foresters utilize an up to date working forest database to aid our long term strategic planning as well day to day tactical management decisions to assure that each individual landowners objectives are achieved.
Landmark Forestry LLC currently manages approximately 370,000 acres in West Virginia, Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky.

Forest Management Plans

Landmark Forestry LLC provides technologically advanced land management services for clients in the northeast hardwood region. Our professional foresters utilize an up to date working forest database to aid our long term strategic planning as well day to day tactical management decisions to assure that each individual landowners objectives are achieved.
Landmark Forestry LLC currently manages approximately 370,000 acres in West Virginia, Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky.

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